
Thursday, March 29, 2012

What Is This?

Sticky note

Woke up this morning to find a tiny note my husband left on the bedroom door before he goes to work that says "Eat Cake". Oh, how sweet. Smile...

I went on to prepare myself, brush my teeth, wash my face. Ventured into my study room and then another note that says "Remember to Eat Cake" on my desktop mouse. Laugh.

Sticky note

Am I that forgetful? A reminder? Oh, happily I hopped to the fridge and took the cake out. A slice of chocolate cake in the morning was what I needed, yummy. 

Cake with strawberry topping

Anyway, I'm working on a project for my blog header. Cut out some strips from old magazines. Who knows, the amount of colour you can get from magazines are endless! Thought of recycling these and do some tiny triangle buntings (shape inspired by the chocolate cake). I'm not sure, but will figure something out soon. 

Rainbow colours

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