
Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Little One Turns ONE

How time really flies! My little one turns ONE this month. He is so LITTLE right now but he has brought unimaginably LARGE amounts of happiness in both me and my husband's lives! Oh how fast he is growing, and oh, wait...

... how did I do all that mothering responsibilities?

As a hands-on mummy taking care of my little one 24/7, it is not easy. Hands down to all those mummies who has done what they have to do. Everything seems to pass by like a blur. Amongst all the havoc of daily activities, there are many little moments, yet so precious, I would not trade it for anything in the world. 

Celebrating little one's first birthday... 

In the meanwhile, celebrating me surviving one year of motherhood... :) 

I am getting into serious busi-ness soon, now that he is learning how to walk... 

Till then,

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